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Love is greater.


Natural skincare handcrafted by women survivors


Healing and Restoration.

Opportunity for restoration, acceptance, healing and growth for survivors of sex trafficking.

Two-Year Residential Program

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Sex trafficking is a crisis both globally and right here in Kansas, specifically in Wichita.  The definition of sex trafficking is any sex act that is performed using force, fraud or coercion.  (Forbes Magazine) says that Sex trafficking is a 154 Billion dollar business.  It is very hard to gather statistics due to the hidden nature of sex trafficking and the fear of retaliation.  It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of souls are sex trafficked in the United States yearly.

But we believe there is hope. We believe restoration is possible.

We believe that love and compassion can lift the shadowed face. Raise the downcast head. Speak truth to those who so desperately need it. And it can set the captive free.

At Raise My Head Foundation, we stand as a witness to the truth that, in the end, hope is stronger than despair. Light is stronger than darkness.

# Love is Greater!

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