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Executive Director’s Corner

Executive Director’s Corner:

I am going to write about something that is really on my heart right now.

When I go to events, personal and professional the question is: “what do you do”?  When I answer, the question is always “how bad is human trafficking in Wichita?” or “Is it really as bad as they say it is?”

It is hard to know how to answer, because even one person that has to go through the horrendous act of being sold over and over again for sex is unimaginable.  This is the reality of what is happening.  The United States is the number 1 consumer of commercial sex.

I don’t want to leave you on that note.  I want you to know that all the survivors of sex trafficking, that I have personally worked with are so resilient.  This is not what they want their reality to look like.  The want to be doctors, nurses, beauticians, lawyers, therapists, social workers, and wherever their dreams might take them.  They want to live in a house, and they want to have a family.  They want people to look at them like they have a human value and not a money value.  They want to be just like anyone else.

We hope at RMHF we can offer the opportunity to heal and restore.  We want to show what real unconditional love is.  We want to provide the opportunity that they can dream and actually work towards those dreams.  We know the wounds are deep.  The trauma is significant.  RMHF has worked on a program that is trauma informed, client centered, and evidence based.  If there are changes to what is needed, we do our best to make those changes as quick as we can so there is no downtime.  Please know that those that support us are so invaluable that I could never express gratitude it in its full measure.  Thank you for reading.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Say hello to Tami at tamiw@raisemyhead.org.

Message from Tami…

I have now been at Raise My Head for 2 years.  This is such a profound experience walking alongside others in their pain and trauma.  I am always amazed at the women that come to our residence for help.  They are brought here by strangers, they come into a strange home, they live with strangers, they are guided by strangers, but they have hope.  They feel that things are going to change for them.  They feel the difference.  They know they are safe.  They are able to have a voice and work on their physical and mental wounds.  Raise my Head Foundation is about, love, acceptance, growth and healing.